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3-year-old Florida boy in body cast for jumping on trampoline

Local mom is stepping up, warning you to never ever let your toddler on trampolines. Her post showing her three-year-old son in a cast covering half of his body has gone viral and she says all of this could have been avoided. And we want to know what you think.
Do you know what children, what age children should start using trampolines? Tell us what you think. Had to w now.
News reporter Candice Aviles shares a mother’s painful story and the lessons that we all can learn from.

I first saw was how upset and distraught the young guy looked. The pain and agony comes through clearly in this picture. A Tampa Bay area, mom’s Facebook post says, if you see toddler time at any indoor trampoline park, be wary. Her three-year-old son broke his thigh bone while jumping on a trampoline. Once she took her son to the hospital, she learned this.

We don’t recommend that children under the age of six participate in any trampoline activities due to their increased risk of injury. Now if you go by the American Academy of Pediatric recommendations, they would say, don’t buy a trampoline or use it at all.

Advice she never knew. She says there’s no warning about this scene anywhere on toddler time advertising. Sky Zone, Trampoline Park where the child was injured, said in a statement, the recent incident involving a minor at Sky Zone Tampa did not occur the way it had been portrayed in the media. We have made the guest Family aware of our findings and we are providing their representatives with video footage of the incident. Guest safety remains our priority. Regardless of how it happened, the toddler is still recovering. As for why toddlers are at higher injury risks.. Well, the younger kids first of all don’t have good muscle control or coordination to be safe on a trampoline and their bones are weaker and more prone to fractures.

I found another trampoline park that offers toddler time and spoke with a mom. Just leaving altitude is open for toddlers from 10 to one you can jump the whole time. So the reason why I come is because I want them exhausted for nap time. She told me she didn’t know there was a recommended minimum age for trampolines. The only thing that I worry about is the little ones mixed in with the bigger kids. I do worry about collisions but she’s still going to take her kids there. As for the mom who posted the warning, she hopes other parents will listen possibly preventing future injuries.

They can be serious injuries. There’s an average of one death a year in this country from a trampoline injury usually from head and neck injury.

And Ken, that really scares me because I was just sharing with you, we take our two-year-old to one of those trampoline parks during toddler time, but I had really no idea of the severity of that. Well a lot of parents that I was asking in the parking lot, they didn’t realize that there was an age range. They had no idea that six was like, it was a cutoff or a guideline to follow. So it was kind of interesting in that respect and when it comes to recovery time for that sweet boy in that ha waist down cap, that’s going to take six weeks and while that is a more serious injury, there are all types of injuries that can come with trampoline. Oh, you can imagine. I mean trampolines, they run the gambit. Some of the most common injuries or sprains, fractures, broken bones, cuts and bruises.

Now serious injuries to the head and neck. Now those can include concussions and even paralysis. Now according to an American Academy of Pediatric study, ER visits jumped sharply from 2010 to 2014 from 581 to almost 7,000 . Now Courtney, we mentioned that the post went viral at last check. It was shared almost 260,000 times and liked more than 53,000 times. Well, you can see why. I mean there are a lot of parents out there. Oh definitely in a lot of them are talking about this, but even as an adult, you do have to be careful on trampolines as well. Now, some of you might remember a Yankees relief player broke his ankle at a trampoline park in Tampa a few years ago. Well, back in 2012 Joba Chamberlain was playing with his end five-year-old son. Now when he broke his ankle and had to have surgery, he was out for four months.

Chamberlain was only 26 at the time, and he now plays for the brewers. So again, no matter what age, there are always risks that come along with these things. But again, that’s six years and under. You want to try to avoid trampolines. Terrible. And we were asking you at home what you think, uh, what age is appropriate for children to start using a trampoline. And most of you, you can see right there, you say nine years old. Isn’t that something? Yeah, a lot of them.

Again, a lot of mothers I spoke with in the parking lot, they said, Oh my gosh, I would assume it would be older, but six, eight, six years is the right word. They have toddler time, you’d think. Okay. Yup. Candace, thank you so much. Of course.

July 20, 2017

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