
Florida Orthopaedic Institute surgeons are using three cutting-edge AxoGen products:

  • Avance® Nerve Graft
  • AxoGuard® Nerve Protector
  • AxoGuard® Nerve Connector

Avance nerve graft

Avance Nerve Graft is a readily available human nerve tissue graft (allograft) for surgical repair of peripheral nerve breaks. AxoGen recovers human peripheral nerve tissue and cleans cellular and noncellular debris through a proprietary cleansing process.

Avance Nerve Graft provides a 3-dimensional framework for bridging a nerve gap, and its extracellular matrix remodels into a patient’s tissue. There’s no need for the patient to have donor nerve surgery, so no negatives are associated with an additional surgical site.

Axoguard nerve protector

AxoGuard Nerve Protector protects injured nerves and reinforces the nerve reconstruction while preventing soft tissue attachments. The AxoGuard multi-laminar extracellular matrix (ECM) is designed to protect and isolate, separating and protecting the nerve from surrounding tissues during the healing process. Like the AxoGuard Nerve Connector, patient cells integrate into the surgical implant to form a nerve surrounding tissue.

If you have damaged or compressed nerves, consults with one of the surgeons below to see if one of AxoGen’s products can help with peripheral nerve reconstruction. Talk with your Florida Orthopaedic Instiute physician for nerve pain treatment.

Axoguard nerve connector

AxoGuard Nerve Connector is the only porcine submucosa (a type of thin layer of tissue) extracellular matrix (ECM) that helps draw together cut or severed peripheral nerves without tension.

AxoGuard Nerve Connector aligns and connects severed nerve ends with less than a 5 mm gap (the width of two nickels and one penny). The ECM material allows the body’s natural healing process to repair the nerve by isolating and protecting it during the healing process. The patient’s cells merge into the ECM to form a tissue similar to the nerve epineurium (the outermost layer of dense connective tissue surrounding a peripheral nerve).

AxoGuard nerve connector