Pelvic ring fractures
Your pelvis, located at the bottom of your spine, is constructed with a ring of three bones, including the hip bone. The pelvic ring also shields your lower abdomen organs from injury. Injuries associated with it are not common, representing only around 3% of total fractures. Most pelvic ring fractures are due to a particular high-energy trauma, such as a motorcycle accident or falling from an elevation greater than 20 feet. These fractures can also be a result of a low-energy activity such as an elderly individual, suffering from osteoporosis, falling at ground level. Treatment for a pelvic ring injury depends on the extent of the injury.
There are several common pelvic fracture types – each influenced by the way the fracture occurred as well as the severity.
The severity of pelvic fractures is expressed as “unstable” or “stable.”
Unstable fracture – is two or more breaks and is often related to a high-energy event
Stable fracture – is often related to an individual break from a lower-energy event
Pelvic fracture are designated as “open” or “closed”. Open fractures are when a bone or bones stick out of the skin while closed fractures do not. Open fractures are more dangerous since infections can occur in the affected area.

High energy fractures
High-energy fractures should always be brought to the attention of an orthopedic surgeon. Your legs, hips, and pelvis need to be assessed, along with potential nerve damage to your ankles or feet. In most cases, X-rays are recommended to identify the dislocation of the involved bones. A CT scan is frequently ordered since its detail will provide your doctor with a cross-sectional image to identify the severity and pattern of your injury. Course of action, including your post care, depend on your specific injury.
The board-certified and fellowship trained surgeons at the Florida Orthopaedic Institute continually stay up-to-date with state-of-the-art treatments for all patients’ needs, including those suffering from a pelvic ring trauma. As always, your doctor will discuss the injury in detail with you along with providing the best recommendation for your specific treatment. To learn more about the Florida Orthopaedic Institute’s surgeons, recognized for their expertise in this area, please refer to the doctor profiles below.
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- Osteoporosis
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