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Doctor Profile: James J. Creighton III, MD

Dr. Creighton: My name is James Creighton. I’m an orthopedic hand, elbow, and shoulder surgeon here with Florida Orthopaedic Institute. I joined here about a month ago, but I’ve been in practice since training for about two and a half years. I went to the University of Notre Dame for undergrad and then did all of my medical training in Indiana, so including orthopedic surgery residency, and then fellowship in hand, elbow, and shoulder surgery with the Indiana Hand and Shoulder Center. So after I trained there, I actually came here to Florida Orthopaedic and did a second fellowship in shoulder and elbow surgery. So I treat all conditions of the upper extremity, essentially anything involving the hand, elbow, and shoulder that includes fracture care, lacerations and tendon nerve artery injuries, but also arthritic things, so arthritis within the hand, the elbow, and the shoulder.

So I like to treat each patient individually. Each patient has a very unique pathology towards them, so initially focus on, you know, looking at their exam as well as the, what the x-rays, typically will show. Always try to start off with a conservative treatment plan as far as non-operative things with braces and injections and medication if possible. Then once those don’t work as well, which oftentimes that unfortunately is the case, we will start to talk about our operative options. The most rewarding part of doing this is seeing those patients that have a good outcome, whether it be a bad problem from an injury or from just kind of wear and tear. Seeing people have good outcomes and have function return back to their arm is very rewarding. Florida Orthopaedic Institute has specialists who are the best in care throughout all of orthopedics. So throughout the whole practice, we provide a very high level of care and treatment options for all of our patients.

October 13, 2022

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