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Rolling Ahead – Peter Delfrate

My name is Peter Delfraudy. I’m 53 years old. Biking is my, you know, my favorite pastime. This was the bike I had the accident with. I fell and I had 18 total fractures. It’s cracked in three different places. Kind of like my, my pelvis. This is what his normal hip is like. That’s the cup. And this is the ball on this side. This is his cup. His cup was severely fractured in multiple segments. You wonder, Oh my God, look at the damage. And I was really at one point I was really worried about am I ever, he’s saying a year, but am I really gonna ride again? Oh, Dr. Shah. I mean, what he did to me is almost like a miracle repair it all of their fractures by lining them up and then putting screws in this plate, which is like a washer to reconstruct this cup, seeing the degree of an injury coming in and then looking at it when we’re finished and seeing how big of a difference or an impact you made right then and there. I think that’s the best thing about it. So what, we’re six, seven months into it and I’m riding like the same distance as I was writing before. As a matter of fact, I’ve written 200 mile rides already. I love it. I mean, you could see my face right.

May 10, 2016

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